Why does Installatron connect to my domain with a URL like apiwt.php?width=656?.Zurmo requires MySQL 'max_sp_recursion_depth' to be set at a value of '100' or higher.php-pdo-mysql-version-minimum v1 (detected: OFF).

Error: MySQL Barracuda format is not available - Moodle.An error has occurred while executing the application API - phpScheduleIt.An error has occurred while executing the application API - MODx.An error has occurred while executing the application API - Dada Mail.A database query has failed - WordPress.A database query has failed - SilverStripe.A database query has failed - PrestaShop.A database query has failed - OwnCloud.A database query has failed - Live Site.A database query has failed - Group Office.A database query has failed - CMS Made Simple.Successfully detected the source installed application's database information, but the information isn't working.A test of the selected domain has failed (HTTP error: 0).A test of the selected domain has failed (continued).A test of the selected domain has failed.Email notifications bounce with: 'This message has been rejected because.'.Technical Error: 1064 You have an error in your SQL (GoDaddy only).open3: exec of file - failed at /usr/local/cpanel/bin/register_cpanelplugin line 33 (cPanel only).Technical Error: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: There is no such grant defined… (cPanel only).Error: Unable to connect to Plesk MySQL database.Error: mysql database connection failed: No such file or directory.Error: Installatron bytecode loader failed or All loaders have failed.There is a communication problem with the control panel API. You have exceeded the maximum allowed databases.You have reached your maximum allotment of databases.FileSystem::mkdir(/path/to/installed/application/directory).PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /var/installatron/installers/.Unable to connect to any licensing server.The 'Installatron Application Installer' and 'Installatron Admin' links are missing in the control panel.Installed applications are missing from My Applications.Tasks never complete or terminate prematurely.Tasks never progress beyond "Waiting.".Installatron displays a 401 error (cPanel only).Installatron displays an "encoded", blank, or non-loading page.Failed to save cache file “/var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.cpanel/nvdata.cache” because of an error: (XID 3r5mm4).Check your PHP configuration (for users).Installatron Repair (for server administrators).Installatron Requirements (for server administrators).Troubleshooting Guide First Things To Try Installatron Server API and Setup Guide.Installatron Automation Guide and HTTP-API and CLI Documentation.Application Package Modification and Application Customization Guide.How to: Import from different account/server.