Basic shapes
Basic shapes

basic shapes basic shapes

What I mean is that when we draw a cube on our 2-D surface, we need to construct it as if we’re building our cube in 3-D space. So we need to draw cubes in a three-dimensional space. But there’s a problem! Cubes are three-dimensional objects. You can easily see 3 different squares on the cube to the left. In our next example, we see how the cube gets broken down into squares. (This takes us back to, “ You don’t know what you don’t know.“) So let’s start with something easy… Building the Cube What’s in a cube? This is to make what we learn easier to understand and to internalize, not to make you feel like an idiot. Throughout this series, we’ll try to take baby steps. When our subject is transformed into simple, easy-to-draw pieces, life becomes that much easier! Subjects can be visualized and broken down in our minds to simplify them. We already know that anything can be broken down into simple 3D and 2D shapes. Now that you’ve thoroughly digested the previous chapter, let’s dig in deeper and get our hands dirty! About those basic 2D shapes and used them to build simple 3D objects.We found out that everything in our visual world can be broken down into basic shapes.About the magic of visualization and a little español.We had a self-help session that dealt with how your believes hold you back.Why most people can’t draw like Leonardo Da Vinci.But before we go too deep into using basic shapes, let’s review what we’ve learned: Without it, you’ll either be lost or just plain struggle. We’ve built the proverbial foundation for your drawing skills in Chapter 1. In case you just happened to stumble across this series, you should visit and read Chapter 1 on Perception and Seeing. If you can draw a square or a circle, this lesson will be a snap! Before we start, let’s review the previous chapter… Let’s Review Welcome to Chapter 2 of Yes, You Too Can Draw! This chapter will cover one of the fundamentals of drawing, constructing stuff using basic shapes.

Basic shapes